The 2018 Year In Review & 2019 Resolutions


Hello blog readers, by which I mean mostly my family and maybe three other people.

2018 was a big year for me. I made a lot of changes, and I saw a lot of growth in my life and in my goals from the last year.

There were the little things, like drinking more water and working out more often. These were goals that I’d told myself that I’d do since 2015 when I started creating goals and resolutions for myself and this year I took the time to actually focus on them!

I also devoted myself to being a better person, brother, and friend. First, I had to be the best version of me. Now, I’ve definitely got quite a bit of growing and developing to do, but I’m glad to have the support and devotion to do so.

I didn’t write as much as I wanted to this year, I let life and other stresses get in the way of that. Luckily, this year I’ve got time built into my weeks where I can write and talk about writing with other people. Side note, if you’d like to do more of this with me, let me know.

But, above all of that, this year I grew through student teaching and hopefully made an impact on all of my students’ lives. I had some great mentors and colleagues to help me through. At times it was stressful, at times it was challenging. It challenged me in ways that I’d never been challenged before. But, it’s prepared me for the moment I’m at now, where I’ve got to look for a teaching job somewhere. I’ve got to use all the knowledge that I’ve gained over my 3 and a half years of preparing and actually do something with it. I’ve got to show the world that this is who I am and what I’m ready for.

2019 is the year that I’ve got to become an adult, a real adult, whether I’m ready for it or not. With that being said, I’ve got some goals and resolutions that I’ve set for myself to reach those goals. So, presented in no particular order, here are the 19 goals and resolutions I have for 2019:

  1. Write a couple days a week and at least 1000 words a week.
  2. Get things off of my chest.
  3. Get a job.
  4. Save money every time I make some.
  5. Read at least 22 books (either through reading or listening)
  6. Spend more time with the people I care about.
  7. Be a better friend to all my friends.
  8. Devote time each day to being more mindful.
  9. Do the things that scare me and make me anxious.
  10. Acknowledge the things/people/times that make you happy.
  11. Become even more knowledgeable in pop culture.
  12. Drink more water at least 6 glasses a day.
  13. Work out at least two times a week.
  14. Get ahead of things and don’t get bogged down by them.
  15. Stand up for what I believe in.
  16. Meet more new people.
  17. Find new movies, music and shows to love.
  18. Eat healthier and learn to cook healthier.
  19. Do all that I can for my siblings and parents.


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